Our daughter has two grass fed lambs for sale if anyone is interested contact Whitney!
The store is closed until further notice. Thank you for a wonderful season!!
- New Customers contact Whitney @ 509-969-8903 I will explain how our system works. Thank you for your interest.
Our pick up locations
Westside Church:
9:30 - 10:00 am
West Park Parking lot:
10:30 -11:00 am
If you are out of my delivery route and 1 of these options does not work, please contact Whitney 509-969-8903
About Us!
Just a little background on who we are and why we started working in the local produce business.
Learn More
Our goal
"Our goal is to provide the local community with the healthiest produce that we can possibly grow."
To achieve this goal we are always looking for the best organic practices available. We do not use pesticides, herbicides or synthetic fertilizers. In order to do this we first concentrate on building the soil with organic compost and natural ammendments. This allows us to grow a stronger plant that is more resistant to pests and disease.
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